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EU Pilot 7


Pilot 7 AUTH will take place in the areas of Pilots 1, 2, and 3 in Europe and Pilot 2 in China. These areas were selected following the aim of WP5 to implement and validate the methodology of the Land Suitability Analysis (LSA) tool developed in the project along with the implementation of the spatial Decision Support System (DSS).



Nowadays environmental pollution, competition among land uses and high pressure on land, especially agricultural land, has led to land degradation and inefficient use of resources. Considering the changing climate conditions, it is essential to adopt new Smart Farming technologies, to optimize the use of water, fertilizers, and energy for tillage, and to identify suitable crop allocation patterns. To address the required holistic approach the DS tool to be developed under this project combines the available relevant information (crop productivity, soil erosion, water availability, etc.) and incorporates socioeconomic indicators to support decision making in regional and farm level. 




The objective is to test the suitability tool (spatial DSS) for suggesting crops and practices. Specific objectives are to:

Identify available best management practices.

Optimize the selection of the best soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) in the region.

Take into account soil, landscape, environmental and socio-economic indicators.




The tool’s methodology will adopt new trends related to socio-economic conditions and provide scenarios for adapting agricultural management to environmental restrictions, and the changing climatic conditions.

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Pilot location

The areas of Pilots 1, 2, and 3 in Europe and Pilot 2 in China.

Use Case The areas of Pilots 1, 2, and 3 in Europe and Pilot 2 in China.
Pilot scale

The scale is the field to farm to regional as it covers two 20 ha experimental farms (Pilot 3 in Flanders, BE, and SP) that are included in regional scale areas of 13,500 km² (Pilot 1 in Flanders, BE) and 10,000 ha (Pilot 2 in Rostenice, CZ). Additionally the scale in Pilot 2 in China is regional.

Land uses (crop types)

The prevailing land use is arable crops as described in Pilots 1, 2, and 3 in Europe and Pilot 2 in China.

Major agricultural and environmental projects N/A
Pilot objectives

The objective is to test the suitability tool (spatial DSS) for suggesting crops and practices. Specific objectives are to:

  • Identify available best management practices.
  • Optimize the selection of the best soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) in the region.
  • Take into account soil, landscape, environmental and socio-economic indicators.

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